Login IP Address, Admin Password and Username is one of the most common IP addresses used by routers and modems as their default login IP but incidentally many people mistype the IP address and add an extra comma or use a wrong character. Popular routers like Linksys and Netgear use this IP address as their default login IP.

There can also be times when you may use these IPs to improve the connection between multiple devices. However always see that these machines allow you to establish connection. Details of which can be seen inside the router details. Never try to fiddle with something that you don’t know.

Prerequisites To access the default login gateway of router

-> A system connected to the home Wifi

-> A personal computer to access a browser

If you have a router which has the login IP as then follow the below steps to log inside the router admin panel. Make sure you have a system ready connected to the home wifi, you should also have the box of your router to get the default username and password.

Step by Step Login Guide

Step 1: Open the browser

You need to enter the default router IP address in the search bar and if your router has this specific IP address, you will get the login page. In our case, the default IP is

Step 2: Enter the username and password

If you have just got yourself a new router with a private IP address then you must have the default router username and password, Use the below column to find out the default router username and password:

  • Default Username: admin
  • Default Password: password

PS: if the above username and password doesn’t work, we recommend you to check the box of your router else contact the brand with your router model.

Step 3: Change the SSID

Even if you are using a private IP address for your network. We recommend you to change the SSID which is the name of the network visible to others in your network tab.


  • Keep it short and simple
  • Don’t make it very quirky as it may backfire
  • Don’t use any personal information as the name of your router

Step 4: Change the default username and password

Your router may have a private IP address but you need to always ensure you make your connection secure by changing the default credentials. Follow the below tips while changing the details.

Follow the below steps to find the IP of your Router

Windows users:

  1. Open Command Prompt (CMD)
  2. Type ipconfig and hit enter
  3. You will see your default IP address

MacOS users:

  1. Open Apple Menu in top left and click on system preferences
  2. Click on network tab and choose the network connection
  3. Click on Advance and click on TCP/IP
  4. You will see your IP on the right side


1. What if You Forgot Your Username and Password?

There are two choices in case you forget your username and password. First is to look for the default username and password. If you don’t find the correct combination then you will have to reset your router.

2. Why wont my phone let me on website

Your phone may not have the correct terminal or permission to access the advanced settings required to configure a device like routers or modem.

3. not working

Check if your router has this IP as the default IP. Also check for any loose connection, if needed try to reset the router

4. How do I change Router settings 

To change the router settings, you will need to enter the admin panel by entering this IP in the URL then enter the correct login credentials and see for the settings that needs to be changed.

5. Why wont load

The page may not load either because you are not entering the correct IP corresponding to your router or else there is some issue with your router. Try to reset both your system and the router

6. Why can’t i connect to

You may not be able to connect to the IP because there may be an issue between your system and the router. Check for if all the devices are running properly. If all seems good, do a hard reset and reconnect.

7. Why i can’t open

You can’t open because it may not be the correct default IP for your router and so you may have to check for the correct IP address. In case, your IP is correct, do a hard reset of your router after checking if your router and system is running properly

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