Router Admin Login | Username and Password is a private IP address that comes in a range booked from IANA(Internet Assigned Number Authority) for specific purposes, though in many cases users mistype the IP address as 192.168.l.254 where the character one is assumed as letter L. When you buy a modem or router, you get credentials to log in to the router that allows you to make changes to your router. A private IP ensures there are no conflicts and no-one else can log in to your network.

Private networks are getting very popular and as per recent news, IANA has reserved many special address blocks for the next generation of IPv6 addresses. Private addresses are also used by many corporates for security reasons. In such a network, there is restricted access to the internet and often a proxy is required to access the web. Username & Password

Every router and modem has login credentials and a default IP address that allows you to access the settings. is one such IP address used to access settings of routers like TP-Link, 2Wire, ADSL routers, 3Com routers, and Westell ADSL modems to name a few.

To access the default gateway, there are few prerequisites:

  • A system connected to the home Wifi
  • A system where you can access a browser

Step 1: Open the browser

You need to enter the default router IP address in the search bar and if your router has this specific IP address, you will get the login page.

Step 2: Enter the username and password

If you have just got yourself a new router with a private IP address then you must have the default router username and password, Use the below column to find out the default router username and password:

List of the username and password


PS: The credentials are usually printed on the box of the router. If you don’t have the router box with you, you can simply reset the router by press-and-hold the reset button for 10-15 seconds. Once reset, you can enter the default login details. Another way is to access the official site of router.

Step 3: Change the SSID

Even if you are using a private IP address for your network. We recommend you to change the SSID which is the name of the network visible to others in your network tab.


  • Keep it short and simple
  • Don’t make it very quirky as it may backfire
  • Don’t use any personal information as the name of your router

Step 4: Change the default username and password

Your router may have a private IP address but you need to always ensure you make your connection secure by changing the default credentials. Follow the below tips while changing the details.

Tips to change your username and password:

  • Your password should have a mixture of alphanumeric characters
  • Your password should be 8-16 characters long, complex yet easy to remember
  • Username should be user-friendly and simple
  • Username and password for IP address needs to be written down somewhere

Faqs and Problems

Why can’t I connect to router:

Most people can’t connect to the default login gateway because of a typing error. You need to make sure there is no semicolon but a colon after http or https. The correct address is

How do I change the password for

First Access the default gateway using Enter the username and password and see for WiFi setting(methods differ as per the router/modem), If you have direct TV & wifi then use a home network and choose the wireless router option. Type in Device Code when requested (found on side of a gateway). You can change a name, SAVE

To change the default password, users need to select WPA/PSK encryption settings which will highlight the grayed out password. Now Change password and save.

Forgot IP address username and password

Whenever you purchase a new router or mode, you get the default credentials that are printed over the box or are mentioned on the manual. You can also contact the ISP(Internet Service Provider) to get the default credentials.

Fix 1: Now, if you have never changed the default username and password, you can use the below table to find out the details of your router.

Fix 2: if you have already changed the default username and password, then you need to reset the router so that you can use the default credentials once again.

Steps to reset a router:

Warning: Resetting a router will erase all the previous saved details and settings. It will turn your router into a factory made a router.

  1. Turn off the router
  2. Press-and-hold the reset button for 10-15 seconds using a pointed object like a needle and then turn on the router. Keep pressing the reset button until the router is turned on for 10-15 seconds
  3. Release the button and let the router reboot
  4. Now connect to the router using a wifi connection and or a network cable and log in using default credentials

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