How to Find Router Password: Network Setup Beginner’s Guide

Router passwords are important! Most people don’t know what theirs is, and this can be a problem. Router passwords provide access to the configuration page that controls everything on your network, including how you connect to the internet. 

The following guide will teach you how to find router password and some tips for finding default passwords, and other information about routers in general.

What is the Default Router Password?

When your router is newly purchased, it comes with a default router password set on the router. The router has a unique network name and password to ensure that only authorized users may access the router’s settings or connected devices.

Router passwords are the security codes required to get access to this router and its settings. These router passwords help you secure your network from unwanted users, allowing only people who know the router password and username to connect and use it. This router password is set by the router provider and is different for every router.

Why Do I Need One?

The router password is a great way to secure your network, but it can also be an easy access point for people you want to connect with. You may be wondering why router passwords are essential and what you can do with them. Router passwords help protect your router and the devices connected to it from all kinds of unauthorized access, such as:

  • Identity theft
  • Theft of service or data
  • Denial of service attacks (DoS attack)
  • Spamming via SMS or email using your account without consent

The issues mentioned can happen when a person gains access to the router’s settings only for authorized users. If a hacker manages to get hold of this router password through any means possible, they will have unlimited power over every device in your household network. 

This means they could also gain unrestricted access to personal information and data, which is why router password security should be of utmost priority to your household.

Different Methods to Find Router Password

Finding the password may seem like a difficult task at first, but once you learn how it’s pretty simple! For you to be able to find your router password, we provide a step-by-step guide that you can follow:

Via Windows Wi-Fi Settings

Step 1: The first thing to do is click the Wi-Fi icon on your computer windows.

Step 2: Go to Network & Internet settings.

Step 3: Under the Network Internet Tab, click the Wi-Fi.

Step 4: Under Related Settings, click Change adapter settings.

Step 5: You will now see your Wi-Fi network name or ISSD. Click it.

Step 6: Under the General tab, select the Wireless Properties.

Step 7: Click Security.

Step 8: The Network security key is your router password. Click the show characters to show your password.

Finding the Password on the Router Itself

Checking your router is the simplest method to discover your router’s password. The password is typically found at the back of the router, although it is more often found at the bottom. It will appear under the Wi-Fi or SSID name. 

However, not all routers have passwords written on them. It is determined by your ISP (internet service provider). If the router password is not available on the router itself, you may ask the person in charge to have it written down for you.

Finding via Web Browser

You can also find your router password through a web browser. You can simply navigate to your router’s IP address which you will use as a default gateway for accessing the router.

If you don’t know how to locate your IP Address, we provide a step-by-step guide to find it on your own. But for now, let’s focus on how you may see your router password via the web browser method.

  1. Launch your web browser, type your IP Address, and press Enter on your keyboard.
  2.  Enter your username and password on the login page and click log in.
  3. On the router settings, select the Wireless Tab.
  4. Under the Wireless Tab, select the Primary Network. You will now see the WPA Pre-Shared Key, which is also your router password.
  5.  Click the Show key to show the characters.

Note: This step-by-step may vary depending on your router model and manufacturer.

How to Find Your IP Address

One of the essential elements to locating your router’s password is its IP address. But some of us don’t know where to find it. We will show you how to discover your IP address in a variety of methods.

Via Google

  • Launch your web browser, type in “what is my IP,” and press Enter on the keyboard.
  • You will see a page with numbers listed below it. The number at the top of this list looks like 192.168.*.* is your router’s IP address. It may take some time to find it if other devices are connected to the router, such as computers or smartphones.
  • Copy the address and paste it to the notepad so you won’t forget it.

Via Command Prompt

  • Type cmd on your windows search bar at the left bottom.
  • On the command prompt interface, type ipconfig and press Enter on your keyboard.
  • Under the Subnet mask, you will see the Default Gateway, which is also your IP Address.

Is My Password Safe?

There is an easy way to do it. Just use the same router account and password on all devices in your home network (laptop, mobile phone, etc.). Because unauthorized people will not know this particular router’s login credentials, it will be almost difficult for them to get access to your router’s settings.

However, if you share your router account and password with a visitor, you are not as safe as you might be. We suggest updating your router login credentials on all devices in your home network to guarantee the security of your router passwords.

Why Should I Change My Router Password? 

A router comes with a default login and password, which you should change right away. You may update it to your preferred username and password so that you can access your router’s web interface and adjust settings as required. But how are we going to accomplish it?

Some individuals are unsure how to do it or do not know where to begin. Remember that this tutorial may not work for you since the procedures may differ depending on your router type.

However, most routers offer the same method for changing the password to work for you as well. Remember, there is no harm in trying, so give it a go!

  • Open your browser and type in your IP Address.
  • On the login page, enter the username and password.
  • Select Security.
  • Fill out all the fields with your desired username and password and click Apply.

Tips When Creating New Password

  • It’s better to use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Try not to use words that can be found in the dictionary. If you want to create a router password using your name or word, try adding more than one letter at the start/end of it, so it becomes something completely different, for instance: Notinthedictionary123@@A, Notinthedictionary241@12D.
  • Don’t forget to write down your router’s username and passwords somewhere safe since there is no way to recover them if lost.

Router Password FAQ

1. Can a router work without a password?

Yes, the router can work without a password. However, it is not advisable as it may lead to security issues.

2. Can router passwords be hacked?

Router’s passwords are usually encrypted with the WEP key, an encoding technology used to encrypt data between routers and wireless devices. So it would be hard for someone to hack your router’s password even if they have your router’s BSSID (MAC address). But don’t leave it open because anyone in range could access your network using its name.

3. What if I forget my router password?

If you have forgotten or lost the username/password combination, then there isn’t much that can be done apart from resetting the device back to factory settings. But don’t do this every time you forget your router password.

4. Can I use a command prompt method without an internet connection?

You can’t perform this method without an internet connection. If you try it, it will not run the command and just display an error. 

5. What will I do if I can’t find the password sticker at the back of my router? 

It is a very simple problem, so you don’t have to panic. We have provided all the methods above. It’s all up to you what you feel like using. 


So, finding your router password is not a daunting task. It is essential, and we should be storing it safely if you don’t want to worry about resetting your router or finding its default login information. We hope you found this blog post helpful and have walked you through finding your router’s password.

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