There are a lot of things that are good for your skin. Exfoliating, staying out of the sun, moisturizing; the list goes on and on. You want to know what’s really fat for your skin though? Fat I’m not talking about artery clogging, heart deteriorating, size-inducing saturated fats. I’m thinking more about healthy fats that are […]
8 DIY Facial Peel Recipes to Give you Damage-Free, Glowing Skin
Whether you want to lighten your skin or get rid of impurities trapped in the skin pores, homemade facial peels are the best solution. Chemical peels have great results but can cause skin damage when used on a frequent basis. On the contrary, homemade natural peels are a safer and effective way to remove imperfections […]
Regular Exercise Can Lead to ‘Healthier’ Belly Fat
People with obesity who have been physically active for two years or longer change the composition of their belly fat tissue in ways that may prevent a range of chronic health conditions, such as heart and liver disease, according to a small new study. To explore the effects of years of regular exercise on fat […]
7 Food That Can Harm Your Face Skin & Make it Worse
In this day and age, everyone is a part of a race to be the best, richest and smartest. The hectic and stressful lifestyle is taking a toll on the health of the people and making them look older than their age. More so, people can’t be bothered to take care of their skin and […]
10 Foods that are Must Have for a Glowing and Beautiful Skin
Do you want glowing, vibrant and younger-looking skin? Instead of spending thousands on skin care products, include some healthy foods in your diet. The healthier the foods you consume, the better your skin will look. Lack of skin-friendly nutrition can make the skin dry and pale. Certain foods contain powerful nutrients that keep the skin smooth and […]
12 Contrarian Skin Care Elements that You Have Never Heard of!
What do sex, honey and aspirin all have in common (besides being the makings of a wild Saturday night)? They’re all great for your skin and you can harness their powers with easy DIY methods. Each of these unconventional skin care tips have different benefits, so read closely to find the ones that suit your […]
8 Reasons You Should Get A Facial Before it’s TOO LATE!
Life can be tough for your skin. Whether it’s the blistering summer sun or the drying effects of central heating during the winter months, if you want to look your best at all times (and who doesn’t?) then a proper skin care regime is essential. One of the most enjoyable strategies for keeping your skin […]
How To Lighten Your Skin Naturally with Power of Lemon?
Raise your hand if you have ever gone out into the sun without sunscreen on. raises her hand Now raise your hand if you have ever gotten a sunburn thanks to your lack of sunscreen. raises both her hands Alright, now how many of you ladies have gotten sun spots thanks to your unprotected sun […]
3 Homemade Blackhead Treatments You Need to Try Today
Acne is an inevitable part of life. It is frustrating and unsightly, but thankfully there are many ways to deal with it. While a ginormous red blemish is incredibly embarrassing, a blackhead covered nose is infuriating. So small, yet so unattractive. Blackheads refer to an opening in your skin that has become discolored due to […]