12 Contrarian Skin Care Elements that You Have Never Heard of!

12 Contrarian Skin Care Elements that You Have Never Heard of!

What do sex, honey and aspirin all have in common (besides being the makings of a wild Saturday night)?

They’re all great for your skin and you can harness their powers with easy DIY methods.

Each of these unconventional skin care tips have different benefits, so read closely to find the ones that suit your needs.


Yep, getting sex is good for your skin. It gets your blood pumping…literally, and this leads to better circulation  resulting in that famous afterglow. Sex also balances out hormone levels, which can help battle acne.

Best of all, it’s a fountain of youth of sorts. The increased blood and oxygen flow keeps skin moisturized and even produces collagen. It turns out that orgasms are nature’s own cosmetic collection.


Popeye was definitely onto something. These leafy greens are positively loaded with vitamins B, C, E, K, folate, potassium, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.

Vitamin B gives you added protection from the sun, and the vitamin K and folate will help clear up acne and dark spots.

If acne is your kryptonite, try making a spinach facial mask by tossing a handful in the blender with water. Leave it on your skin for 20 minutes to get rid of oil, dirt and inflammation.

Oil Cleansing Method (OCM)

I know, oil cleansing may seem like an oxymoron. Oil has become a 4-letter word in the world of skincare, causing people to neglect its many benefits.

What often causes blemishes and blackheads is dirty oil trapped under the skin. Science tells us that oil actually dissolves oil. So, the idea is to use clean, good-for-you oil to break down the unhealthy oil.

It’s all about proportions: For oily skin, try 2/3 castor oil mixed with 1/3 of another oil (try almond, jojoba or sunflower). For normal skin, you can do half and half, and for dry skin use 1/3 castor oil and 2/3 of the lighter oil.

Once you have your mixture, just dampen face with warm water and massage about a quarter-sized amount of oil into skin for a couple minutes. Finally, use a wash cloth soaked with very warm water to wipe oil away. That’s it! It opens pores and removes makeup and dirt in one fell swoop.

Green Tea Bags

Wake up tired eyes with green tea. The tannin, caffeine and antioxidants in green tea help decrease puffiness and dark circles. Get more bang for your buck by using the tea bag to make a cup of tea first. While you drink it, toss the tea bag in the fridge for a bit. Then, just lay back with a cooled bag on each eye for 10 minutes. Could it be any easier?

Emu Oil

Bear with me as I explain why oil made from the fat of an ostrich-like animal is great for your skin.

Emu oil is rich in fatty acids, which have all kinds of health benefits. It’s best known as an anti-inflammatory, which helps reduce redness, irritation and acne. The oil can even improve eczema and psoriasis symptoms. It goes deep into skin’s layers, so make sure you use it on top of other moisturizes, which penetrate more deeply when used under a layer of emu oil.


These citrus gems are a sort of miracle product for your face. Lemon’s antifungal properties make them a great remedy for blackheads and acne, and the citric acid gradually lightens dark spots over time.

Herb Poultice

Poultice is just a fancy word for mashed-up herbs put into a porous cotton cloth and tied up like a little sack. There’s no limit to the combinations you can make based on your skin’s issues.

Choose a few with beneficial properties, mash them up with some warm water to form a paste, secure into the cloth and let sit on the problem area until the paste has dried out.

Egg Whites

A homemade egg white mask will lighten your skin, tighten pores and dry out acne.

It’s super simple: separate the yolk from the white and then stir up the white until it becomes a bit frothy. Spread it over your face in a thin layer, let it sit for 15-30 minutes (until it completely hardens), and then rinse off with a warm wash cloth.


No longer just for your breakfast table, oatmeal can be a great face mask for dry, sensitive skin. Simply blend up 2 tablespoons of oats, 2 tablespoons of warm water and ½ tablespoon of honey. Keep the mask on for about 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. Voila, instant glow!

Milk of Magnesia

This long-time digestive aid is not just for upset stomachs; Milk of Magnesia also does wonders for oily skin.

If your makeup has been known to slide off your face within a couple of hours, try putting a thin layer on as the first step in your makeup routine. Alternatively, use it as a face mask all over or just on the T-zone.


Aspirin works on your outsides exactly as it does on your insides. Aspirin’s a brilliant anti-inflammatory that can fight acne, reduce puffiness, and tone down skin discoloration.

Just create a paste with crushed-up, uncoated Aspirin and a bit of warm water. You can also add honey or plain yogurt to make it more soothing.


Talk about a multi-tasker! Honey moisturizes, soothes, cleanses, unclogs and fights acne.

Look for raw honey to get the most benefits. There are hundreds of DIY skin treatments that use honey, but start by just spreading a very thin layer all over, letting it dry and rinsing. You can also mix a bit with tea tree oil for a homemade acne spot treatment.

Sometimes the best solutions to skin woes can already be found in your kitchen cabinets. For just a few dollars, you can mix up your own natural remedies that just might work better than the fancy shmancy stuff you splurged on at the department store.

Experiment with homegrown solutions until you find one that’s right for you.

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