Best Healthy Fats for Skin | List of Foods Rich in Good Fat!

Best Healthy Fats for Skin | List of Foods Rich in Good Fat!

There are a lot of things that are good for your skin. Exfoliating, staying out of the sun, moisturizing; the list goes on and on. You want to know what’s really fat for your skin though?


I’m not talking about artery clogging, heart deteriorating, size-inducing saturated fats. I’m thinking more about healthy fats that are unsaturated, unrefined, trans-fat free and rich with the essential fatty acids (EFA’s) Omega 3 and 6.

Ingesting a hearty dose of EFA’s and healthy oils can help maintain and boost your beautiful skin. These good fats are responsible for creating cell membranes and keeping your skin hydrated and nourished.

What exactly should you be adding to your diet then and which are the best healthy fats for your skin? So glad you asked!

Omega 3

You’ve probably seen egg cartons boasting added Omega 3’s, but never understood why this was a bonus. These essential fatty acids are not created within our body so we must get them in our diet.

They contain alpha linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) which are all required to make your body work better.

These omega 3’s are responsible for a number of health and beauty benefits. They balance your skin’s metabolism by controlling the secretion of oils, sustain collagen production and ultimately keep your skin looking young and radiant.

Omega 3’s can easily be found in fish like salmon, anchovies, tuna and trout, as well as in flaxseed, walnuts, canola oil and algae. The nuttier sources of this EFA can be a little high when you calorie count them, so limit yourself to 2 tablespoons daily.

Omega 6

Another polyunsaturated fatty acid that cannot be made within the body, Omega 6 consists of vegetable oils known as linoleic acid (LA) which convert to gamma linolenic acid (GLA) and arachidonic acid (AA).

Essentially what this means is that Omega 6 helps stimulate skin and hair growth, maintain healthy bone growth and regulate metabolism.

In comparison to Omega 3, most people consume way more Omega 6 which is why it is not as popular. It is commonly found in plant-based oils like corn, soybean, sunflower and safflower. AA’s are found in egg yolks, meats like chickens and cows and other animal-based foods.

Skinsational Benefits of Fats

There are so many reasons why EFA’s are among some of the best healthy fats for your skin. First and foremost, to maintain healthy, youthful skin it needs to be hydrated. EFA’s lock water in your skin cells and keep them looking plump. A fatty acid deficiency can lead to saggy, imbalanced skin.

EFA’s are wonderful for acne prone skin. Not only do they maintain a healthy secretion of sebum, but they dissolve the nasty fatty deposits that clog up  your pores and cause breakouts.

A daily dose of Omegas and you can even repair skin damage caused from previous acne outbreaks. *leaping fist pump*

Nobody likes a dimpled, cellulite-covered hiney and the proper fatty acids can also help you manage this. The moisture locking results of EFAs can give your skin cells fullness and flexibility that diminish the appearance of cellulite.

And that’s not all….

Besides being amazing for your skin, good fats can help boost your metabolism, mellow out your period and help your hair and nails stay healthy and strong.

So how can you incorporate some of these phat fats into your weekly routine? Stuff your face!

Best Food Sources for Fat

Here are the top food sources of healthy fats, focusing on Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids:

1. Salmon

Rich in EPA and DHA (Omega-3), essential for heart, brain, and anti-inflammatory benefits. Also high in protein and vitamin D.

2. Herring

Packed with Omega-3 (EPA, DHA) and vitamin D, supporting cardiovascular health and immune function.

3. Mackerel

High in Omega-3, B12, and Coenzyme Q10. Supports heart health, brain function, and reduces inflammation.

4. Hemp Seeds

Provides Omega-6 and Omega-3 in an ideal 3:1 ratio. Also rich in protein and essential amino acids.

5. Flaxseeds

Excellent plant-based source of ALA (Omega-3), also containing fiber and lignans with antioxidant properties.

6. Walnuts

Rich in ALA (Omega-3), lowers cholesterol, improves heart health, and offers antioxidants like vitamin E.

7. Almonds

High in monounsaturated fats, fiber, vitamin E, and magnesium, supporting heart and skin health.

8. Olive Oil

Contains oleic acid (monounsaturated fat) and polyphenols, reducing inflammation and protecting against heart disease.

9. Whole Grains

Contain small amounts of healthy fats, fiber, and nutrients, supporting digestive and heart health.

10. Dark Leafy Greens

Provide Omega-3 in small amounts, rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals for overall health.

Bonus: Eggs

Eggs enriched with Omega-3 provide balanced fats and high-quality protein, supporting brain and eye health.

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