A Complete Guide to Login to the AT&T Router

With some of the fastest speeds on the market today, AT&T offers home and business internet services throughout most of the US. When you sign up, they provide an AT&T router suited to your needs. 

For a convenient installation process, the company offers a self-installation option, which means you can set up your AT&T router and get connected to the internet in less than an hour. This article explains how to log in to AT&T routers successfully and change the settings accordingly to ensure your security is not jeopardized.

How to Login to the AT&T Router

One of the most irritating things to deal with about switching your internet provider (or having internet installed for the first time) is waiting for the technician to arrive. Setting up the device yourself is much more straightforward, it’s more convenient to your schedule, and it doesn’t require any technical knowledge. 

When finalizing your request for AT&T services, opt for the self-installation option. You can pick up your router from an AT&T location, or you can have it delivered to your house. To log in to your AT&T router, follow these instructions:

1. Open the Box and Set Up the Hardware

Your router will arrive in a box with everything you need to set up your services at home. Use the instructions included in the package to install your hardware. 

Also called the gateway device, the AT&T router has colored ports that match the included cords to make it easier to see where the cables need to go. Connect the wires to the right ports and plug the router into a wall outlet.

2. Turn On the AT&T Router

It should take about 10 minutes to power up completely. When the lights turn on and remain solid green, you can continue with the login process.

3. Connect the AT&T Router to a Mobile Device or Computer

To connect your wireless mobile device to the internet, use the default Wireless Network Name and Wireless Password listed on the black sticker on the side of your router. 

In your device’s settings, open the Wi-Fi settings menu. Find the connection that matches the default Wireless Network Name listed on your router in the list of available networks. Click on the link. 

When prompted to enter a password, enter the default Wireless Password printed on the device. Open an internet browser on the device to check for an internet connection. 

Plug an Ethernet cable into the corresponding port at the back of the device. Then, plug the other end into an ethernet port on your computer. This is a hardwired connection, so you don’t have to enter a password to connect to the internet.

4. Open a Web Browser

Open an internet browser on your mobile device or computer, such as Safari, IE, or Google Chrome.

5. Enter the AT&T Router Default IP Address

Enter the router’s default IP address on the address bar and press Enter. The router’s default IP address is listed on the side of the router. For AT&T routers, the default IP address is either or

6. Enter the AT&T Router Default Username and Password

The router’s main menu will appear. Most commonly, AT&T routers won’t ask for a default username or password to log in to the device. If your item lists a default username and password on the product’s side, you will most likely be prompted to enter them when you log in to the device.

If you do receive a login prompt, and you don’t see a username/password combination on the side of your device, try entering the following combinations:

  • Login Username: admin or (leave blank)
  • Login Password: attadmin or (leave blank)

If you receive a login prompt and the credentials you have do not work, reset your device.

Using the Smart Home Manager

Once you are logged into your device and have internet access, this is a great time to check out AT&T’s web and mobile app, the Smart Home Manager. You can log in to your AT&T Smart Home Manager on a web browser on your computer, or you can download it to your mobile device from the Apple App Store or Google Play. This app allows you to monitor your account, change your settings, and pay your bill.

Log in to the Smart Home Manager on a PC

  1. Open an internet browser.
  2. Visit https://myhomenetwork.att.com/#/login.
  3. Sign in with your AT&T account username and password.

Log in to the Smart Home Manager on a Mobile Device

  1. Download the AT&T Smart Home Manager app from Google Play or the Apple App Store.
  2. Open the program as soon as it finishes downloading.
  3. Sign in with your AT&T account username and password. 

Type the default IP address (listed on the side of your router) into the address bar of your internet browser

Once you log in to your router, the main menu will look something like this, where the login page for AT&T’s Smart Home Manager can be found.

Enter your AT&T account username and password in the fields to access the Smart Home Manager.

Once you log in to the Smart Home Manager on your computer, the home screen will look like this.

Note: Using the Smart Home Manager mobile app will have a slightly different setup.

How to Reset the AT&T Router

Are you having issues logging into your router? Is your device running slow or not operating correctly? Performing a reboot or a reset can solve most minor login and troubleshooting issues with this router.

How is a Reboot Different from a Reset?

When learning how to reset your device, you’ll hear the term reboot. A reboot is not the same process as a reset. Rebooting a router, also known as a Power Cycle – involved turning the router off and turning it back on. This does not change any settings, but it is usually enough to get your device running correctly. 

Rebooting your router often – especially after a power outage or when you are experiencing slow internet – can keep your hardware in better condition, eliminating the need for frequent resets.

If a reboot fails to solve your issue, then perform a reset. A reset restores all the default settings to your router as if you just pulled it out of the box. This is helpful if you forget your login information or your device is seriously malfunctioning. 

There are two ways to reset your AT&T router: using the reset button or performing a 30/30/30 reset. Let’s go over how to do both.

How to Reboot the AT&T Router

There are several ways you can reboot your device. You can use the Smart Home Manager to log in to the machine and use the web menu. You can also just disconnect the product from its power source and reconnect it. In this section, we’ll go over each method of rebooting your device.

Rebooting an AT&T Router Using Smart Home Manager

  1. Log in to Smart Home Manager using your computer or mobile device.
  2. Turn off all of your other wireless devices connected to the internet.
  3. At the bottom of the home page, click “Reboot Wi-Fi Gateway.”
  4. The router will automatically turn off and turn back on.
  5. Wait until the lights on the router turn back on. They should be solid green before you check for an internet connection.

Rebooting an AT&T Router Using the Router’s Menu

  1. Log in to your router. It is best to use a computer for this. Turn off every other device that is connected to your device.
  2. Look at the top of your screen. Click on the “Device” menu.
  3. Under the “Device” submenu, click on “Restart Device.”
  4. The router will reboot itself.
  5. When the lights turn back on, and they are solid green, check for an internet connection.

Rebooting an AT&T Router Using the Power Cord

This method is the easiest way to reboot your device; you don’t have to log in to your router or the Smart Home Manager.

To reboot your router using the power cord method, follow these instructions:

  1. Turn off all devices connected to the router’s internet signal.
  2. Turn off the router using the On/Off button. If your router doesn’t have an On/Off button, skip this step.
  3. Once the router is off, unplug the router from the wall outlet.
  4. Wait 10-15 seconds.  
  5. Plug the router back into the outlet. Press the On/Off button (if your router has one) to turn the unit back on.
  6. Once the router’s lights turn back on, check your internet connection.

How to Reset the AT&T Router

In most cases, rebooting your device will solve any technical issues. If you have already rebooted your device and are still having problems, a reset should be your next step. This will delete your settings and return the product to its default credentials. 

Before performing the reset, write down all your settings, such as your Wi-Fi username and password and your device access code (if you have changed them from their default values.) Keep this close by so you can immediately re-configure your device.

Follow these steps to reset your device:

1. Turn off all your devices linked to your router.

2. Find the “Reset” button on your router. On most AT&T models, this button is located next to the A/C power port.

3. Use a small object, such as a ballpoint pen or the end of a paperclip, to press the reset button. Insert the end of the utensil into the hole. You’ll hear a slight click when you press down on the button.

4. Press down on the reset button. Wait until the lights turn off.

5. Release the reset button after 15 seconds. You must hold the reset button for the full 15 seconds. Releasing pressure off the reset button sooner than that will stop the process, and you will have to do it again.

6. Wait for the router to reset. When the lights come back on and turn solid green, then the reset process is complete.

7. Re-configure your router to its former settings before the reset.

The 30/30/30 Reset Method

After performing a reset, your router should be working correctly. If your product still isn’t working correctly, you can try the 30/30/30 method, a more aggressive reset of your device.

To perform the 30/30/30 reset, complete the following steps:

1. Turn off all your wireless devices.

2. Locate the reset button. Using a pen or a paperclip, press down on the reset button for 30 seconds.

3. After 30 seconds have passed, continue holding down the reset button. Unplug the router from the wall outlet.

4. Leave the router unplugged for 30 as you are holding down the reset button.

5. Plug the router back into the wall. Hold the button for another 30 seconds.

6. Release the reset button. The router will complete the reset.

7. When the router turns back on, and the green lights come back along, the reset is finished.

8. Change your settings as soon as you log back into your router.

You can use the Wi-Fi username/password combination and access code from before the reset. If these are the default values printed on the side of your item, change them to something more secure.

For more help resetting your device, these videos can assist you:

On the Smart Home Manager’s home screen, scroll to the bottom, under the Network menu. At the bottom is the “Reboot Wi-Fi Gateway” button. Click on it to reboot your router.

When you are logged into your router’s main menu on an internet browser, click on the “Device” menu at the top left corner. Underneath, in the submenu, click on “Restart Device.” This will reboot your router.

Pressing the reset button on a Samsung router. (Source)

How to Configure AT&T Router

After logging into your product, you should change your settings to make your device safe from prying eyes. Someone can easily use the default values to log in to your home or office networking tool without your authorization. Always change your router’s access code and your Wi-Fi network name and password before connecting other wireless devices to the internet.

Using either the Smart Home Manager or the router’s menu on an internet browser, you can change your settings and use helpful tools to test your speed and keep an eye on your services. We’ll discuss how to use both the Smart Home Manager and your AT&T router menu to configure your unit in this section.

From the router’s main menu, you can change your access code, update your Wi-Fi network name and password, and run a speed test. Follow these instructions to get the most out of your device.

Changing the Device Access Code

When navigating through your router’s settings, the menu may prompt you to enter the device access code. This code is printed on the router’s side; remember to change it as soon as possible.

1. Log in to your router.

2. As soon as you log in, the browser will direct you to the “Device” menu. If the Device tab in the top left-hand corner is not highlighted, click on it.

3. Under the submenu “Device,” click on “Access Code.”

4. If you haven’t entered your router’s default access code during your session, you will be prompted to enter it here to access the next page. In the text box, enter your default access code. Click “Continue”

5. In the “Enter Old Access Code” field, enter the current access code. Type the code into the text box. If you have not changed your access code before, it will be the default code printed on the side of your device.

6. In the “Enter New Access Code” field, enter your preferred access code.

7. Click “Use New Access Code” to save your settings.

8. The next page will prompt you to set up a hint to your access code if you forget it.
It is a good idea to write your new access code down and keep it in a safe place.

9. Click “Save.”

10. When you see a confirmation message at the top of the screen, your device access code has been successfully changed.

Changing the Wi-Fi Network Name and Password

You should always change your Wi-Fi network name and password when setting up your services. This will make your internet connection more secure. Since everyone is doing more and more shopping online and using their personal information on their devices, your Wi-Fi should be as fast as possible. 

Changing the Wi-Fi Network Name and Password will keep your data safe from anyone you don’t want to see it.

1. On the router’s main menu, click on the “Home Network” tab.

2. Under the “Home Network” tab, click on the “Wi-F” submenu.
Enter your access code if you are prompted to do so. Click “Continue”

3. Scroll down the “Wi-Fi” page to the “Home SSI” section.

4. Enable the “Home SSI” signal. Under “Home SSID,” use the dropdown menu to highlight “On.”

5. In the text box next to “Network Name (SSID),” change the default Wi-Fi network name.

6. In the “Security” field, use the dropdown menu to highlight “Custom password.”

7. Change your default password in the text box of the “Password” field.

8. In the next field, retype your new password to confirm it.

9. Scroll down the page to the “Guest SSI” section.

10. Enable the “Guest SSI” signal. In the dropdown menu next to “Guest SSID Enable,” select “On.”

11. Change the “Guest Network Name.” In the text box for this field, change the default Guest SSID name to something suited to your connection. Coming up with a creative alternative name to your primary network name isn’t necessary. You can simply add an extra suffix to your Home SSID network name to differentiate the two signals.

12. Change the password in the “Password” text field.

13. Click “Save” to apply your changes.

Run a Speed Test

If your internet runs slowly, you can run a speed test on your device from its web-based menu. 

1. Log in to your router.

2. Click on the “Diagnostic” menu.

3. Select the “Speed Tes” option under the “Diagnostic” menu.

4. Click on” “Run Speed Test.”

5. Wait until the speed test completes.

Your results will display in the “Test History” section on this page. There will be two results: your upstream (upload) speed and your downstream (download) speed.  

How to Configure AT&T Router with the Smart Home Manager

Changing the Wi-Fi Network Name and Password

The Smart Home Manager has an easy-to-navigate menu that allows you to alter your Wi-Fi credentials to more secure settings. Complete the following steps to update the credentials to your Wi-Fi network and your Guest network.

1. Log in to the Smart Home Manager on your computer or mobile device.

2. At the top of the screen, click on the “More” tab.

3. On this page, select the “Network” option. Click the arrow to the right to reach the “Network” page.

4. You will see two sections, “Main Wi-Fi Network” and “Guest Wi-Fi Network” You will click on each field to change the network names and passwords.

5. Under the Main Wi-Fi Network, click on the arrow in the “Wi-Fi Network Name (SSID” field.

6. On the next screen, click on the” “to the right to clear the text box. Enter your new network name. Click “Save.”

7. Click the back arrow labeled “Change Wi-Fi Network Name” at the top left of the screen to return to the previous page.

8. Under the Main Wi-Fi Network, click on the arrow in the “Wi-Fi Network Password” field.

9. On the next screen, click on the” “to clear the old password. Enter your new password. Click “Save”

10. Click on the back arrow labeled “Change Wi-Fi Password” to return to the previous screen.

11. Repeat steps 5-10 in the “Guest Wi-Fi Network” fields for the network name and password. If you don’t plan on activating your Guest Network, then you can skip this part.

The Guest Network Name should be similar to your Home SSID to show that both connections are yours. After changing the name and password, click the toggle switch to enable your guest network.

Inviting Users to Your Guest Network

If you have enabled your guest network, you can use the Smart Home Manager to send invites to anyone who wants to use your internet.

1. Click on the “Tool” tab on the top menu on your screen.

2. Under” “Tools,” select “Invite Guest.”

3. Click the “Email” button next to your Guest Network.

4. Enter the required information to invite someone to your network. The Smart Home Manager will send them instructions on how to use your guest’s internet connection.

Run a Speed Test

If you ever experience slow speeds, you can run a speed test on your device. This lets you see the rate of speed you are getting compared to what you are paying for.

To run a speed test with the Smart Home Manager:

1. Click on the “Tool” tab.

2. In the list of options, select “Speed Test.”

3. On the next page, click on “Run Speed Test.”

4. Wait a few minutes for the test to complete.

5. Check your results in the “Speed Test History” section.

Use the images in this section with these Youtube videos to configure your router seamlessly:

Configuring the Under the AT&T Router’s Main Menu

To change your access code, click on the “Access Code” option under the “Device” menu. This screen prompting you to enter your current access code may appear.

After entering your current access code, you will reach the page where you can change it. Fill out the fields and click “Use New Access Cod” to save your changes.

Under the Wi-Fi menu of the Home Network tab, you can change your Wi-Fi network name and password. In the first section of the page, you will see the “Home SSID,” enable your Home SSID signal and change the Network Name and Password default settings. Retype your new password to confirm it.

After changing your Home SSID, scroll down the page to the Guest SSID section. Turn on your Guest SSID signal and change the default username and password. Click” “Save” to save your changes to both the Home and Guest SSID values.

You can run a speed test from your router’s main menu. Click on the Diagnostics tab, and then click on” “Speed Test” Click on the “Run Speed Test” button and watch for your results in the Test History section.

Configuring Under Smart Home Manager

To change Wi-Fi settings, log in to the Smart Home Manager, and click on the “More” tab. Click on” “Network.”

Under” “Network,” you’ll see the “Main Wi-Fi Network” section and the “Guest Wi-Fi Network” section. Click on each option (for the network name and the password) individually to change the settings. Use the arrows to the right to click on each option to edit the network names/passwords of your primary connection and your guest connection.

After clicking on the Wi-Fi network name “SSID” option under” “Main Wi-Fi Network,” change the name of your connection in the text box, click “Save” to confirm your changes, the back arrow will return you to the previous screen.

Changing the “Wi-Fi Password” under “Main Wi-Fi Network.” Fill out the fields and click “Save.” Use the top-left arrow to return to the “Network” menu.

To run a speed test, click on the “Tool” tab. Select the “Speed Tes” link.

On the next page, click the blue” “Run Speed Test” button. Your results will appear in the section just below,” “Speed test history.”

When you sign up for any internet service, you have the option to install your equipment yourself. With AT&T, the device comes with illustrated installation instructions that are easy to follow. The setup process is designed to get your router connected as quickly as possible, so you can use the internet within an hour of getting your box. The reliable internet speeds and easy installation process are some of the reasons why AT&T customers love their services.

AT&T Router FAQ and Fixes to Common Issues

In this section, we will answer frequently asked questions related to setting up and configuring your AT&T device. We have already discussed some of these issues in this article. This section is a great quick reference guide for common issues or problems.

1. How Do I Access My AT&T Router Admin?

Accessing your AT&T router’s administration page is the same as logging into your device to reach the configuration menu. To access the item admin, complete the following steps:

  1. Open an internet browser.
  2. Enter your router’s default IP address in the address bar.
  3. If your router comes with an admin username and password, enter them into the fields when you are prompted for them. Read the section” “Logging into an AT&T Route” for more details.

2. What is the Default Password for the AT&T Router?

Most AT&T items do not have login credentials. If they do have them, these credentials are usually listed on the side of your device. The admin username/password combination will be different than the SSID name and password.

3. What is the AT&T Router IP?

Most AT&T routers have a default IP address of either or Your default IP address is listed on the side of your product.

4. Is an AT&T Router Good?

AT&T issues quality routers by recognized manufacturers, such as Motorola and Netgear. These manufacturers are known for designed quality routers. With proper care and maintenance, an AT&T router can last several years.

5. How Fast is an AT&T Router?

According to FCC studies, AT&T’s services are relatively accurate, meaning that the speeds they advertise are what you receive. If you are concerned that your router is running slowly, you can run a speed test from your device’s main menu or with the Smart Home Manager. Find out how to run a speed test from either platform in the” “How to Configure AT&T Router” section.

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