3 Homemade Blackhead Treatments You Need to Try Today

3 Homemade Blackhead Treatments You Need to Try Today

Acne is an inevitable part of life. It is frustrating and unsightly, but thankfully there are many ways to deal with it.

While a ginormous red blemish is incredibly embarrassing, a blackhead covered nose is infuriating. So small, yet so unattractive.

Blackheads refer to an opening in your skin that has become discolored due to oxidization. They form before a significant amount of bacteria has time to enter the hair follicle, which is why they remain so small.

Blackheads are most commonly found around the nose and in the dip of your chin. These particular areas are more likely to have excess oil build up and the crevices are so small, its harder to keep clean.

There are several products on the market that are targeted for blackhead removal, but we like to do it the DIY way. Here are 3 blackhead treatments you can make from home.

1. Witch Hazel Compress

Witch Hazel Compress

We are a big lover of witch hazel because it is so multi-purpose and functional. It also has a fresh scent, which is nice.

To rid your face of blackheads with witch hazel, do as the name suggests. Soak a cotton pad in witch hazel and hold over your affected area. Let this soak in for up to 5 minutes. Because witch hazel is natural, there is no reason to rinse it off. Just allow your skin to air dry.

A natural astringent with antioxidant properties makes this the perfect acne-fighting alternative. It’s also gentle enough that your skin won’t dry out.

2. Lavender Facial Steam

Steaming is a great way to open up your pores and help rid your skin of acne-causing bacteria. To do this facial at home, you will need 2 tablespoons of dried lavender, 2 cups of boiled water and a towel large enough to cover your face and bowl.

Boil your water and add in the dried lavender. Place your face about 1 foot away from the steaming bowl. Don’t get too close or you could burn your skin with the steam. Cover your face and bowl with the towel to trap in all the steam. Remain there for no longer than 10 minutes or until the water cools.

The antibacterial properties found in lavender will kill any bacteria on your skin and the steam will help your body sweat out any toxins that may be causing your blackheads or other acne.

3. Egg White Pore Strip

This is my favourite DIY blackhead removal method. You will need 1 egg white, some facial tissue or toilet paper and a little paint brush.

Whisk your egg white then brush some over your nose or chin. Cover the egg whites with the tissue and then brush on some more egg white. Add a second layer of tissue and one more sweep of egg white. Allow the strip to dry fully.

Once dry, gently pull from one corner to the other. You’ll be able to see all those nasty little blackheads right there on the strip.

The vitamins and minerals found in egg whites are great for preventing future acne, while the protein helps tighten your skin and pores.

Don’t let blackheads get the best of you. Try one of these simple and affordable DIY’s and enjoy a fresh face today!

Not prepraed to DIY your acne treatments? Hey, we get it.

If you’re looking for some serious acne-blasting power then check out our super blunt reviews of Exposed Skin Care or Zenmed. We share everything from how it works, what we love about it and what we loathe. No bars hold. Enjoy!

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